
Overview :

WMS is a fully Web based, complete warehouse administrative application.You can access it from anywhere, anytime with bank grade security.Its easy to learn & operate by non-computer background employee.WMS Application is made in practical environment of Warehouse, So we have implemented all features & solutions with very practical way.Its having employee, admin and client dashboard.Its having configurable automated workflow powerful with security & rights management.It helps to manage all your work with very smart & effective manner.

Features :

  • Multiple Warehouse : Super Admin can create multiple warehouses of different locations and assign admin to particular warehouse.
  • Multiple Warehouse Section : Admin of warehouse can create multiple sections in warehouse with unique name for reference.
  • Client Management : Admin of Warehouse can create client master with all required details and provide access to clients by giving username and password to make them enable to login portal and check their data.
  • Client Group : If one client having multiple firms than admin create client group so system can generate accurate reports as per client group.
  • Item Master : Admin can create item master with warehouse rate, loading rate and unloading rate. Admin can also assign different rates of same products as per clients.
  • Inward – Outward : Employee can manage all Inward Outward entries seamlessly and also take printouts in predefined custom templates.
  • SMS Notifications : Client can get notifications regarding inward – outward entries with date, time, SR/Do numbers, Quantity details.
  • Inquiry : Admin can inquiry regarding inward – outward transactions with SR/DO numbers, Mark numbers, Client names and also with specific date range.
  • Invoice management : Admin can generate all clients invoices on monthly basis and take printouts in predefined custom templates. Calculations of loading rates, unloading rates and warehouse rates and also taxes will be done be system only on weekly basis.
  • GST ready : WMS web application is GST ready. No need to take any extra overhead regarding GST.
  • User Management : Admin can create multiple users for warehouse with specific roles and permissions.
  • Bulk SMS : Admin can send bulk sms to selected clients to notify about holidays, offers and policies etc.
  • Stock not Clear : Employee cant make DO entry of last few items of clients before taking confirmation form account department. It can prevent financial loss easily.
  • Reports : Admin can generate various reports and take printouts in predefined custom templates. Reports are listed below.
  • Client Current Stock
  • Client Stock With Markno
  • Stock Summery
  • Inward Register
  • Outward Register
  • Outstanding Bills
  • Client Transaction Report
  • Monthly Invoice Register
  • GST Register

Technology Specification :

Technology : .NET CORE 2.0

Database : MS SQL 2016

Installation mode : Standalone PC / Local Server / Web Server

Demo :

User name : [email protected]
Password : Demo@123789